Switch NANO Mario Victory Rechargeable Wireless Enhanced +Motion Bluetooth 5.0 Controller ( Power A ) 17885-09271 (Warranty)
- 1 Year Limited Warranty
Limited Warranty 1 Tahun Jika :
*Product Tidak Menyala
*Tombol Tidak Berfungsi
Garansi Tidak Berlaku Jika :
*Rusak Karena Kelalaian / Penggunaan
Cara Claim Garansi :
*Simpan Box Dan Invoice Pembelian
The Nano Enhanced Wireless Controller from PowerA is the perfect controller for gamers who want a smaller, more compact form factor.
Wireless controller with Bluetooth 5.0 technology -
6ft (1.8m) USB-C charge cable included
*Can be used when Nintendo Switch is docked or undocked.